TEDxPCTE Ludhiana

x = independently organized TED event

Locally Driven

Each TEDx event focuses on themes and speakers relevant to its specific community. This ensures a diverse range of perspectives and fosters a sense of ownership within the audience.

Independent Organization

Organizers have the freedom to curate speakers, design the event format, tailor the experience, and engage with attendees to enhance their local context. This flexibility allows for unique and innovative events.

Ideas Worth Spreading

At the heart of TEDx lies the same mission as TED to spread powerful ideas.Talks cover a vast spectrum from scientific breakthroughs and social innovations to personal stories and creative expressions.

Global Reach

Although independently organized, TEDx events operate under a shared brand and adhere to certain quality standards. This ensures a certain level of consistency and allows for the best talks to reach a global audience through online platforms.

Empowering Community

TEDx events provide a platform for local voices to be heard and ideas to be shared, fostering a sense of community and engagement. They serve as sparks for meaningful dialogue and concerted action, igniting an change within communities.

Fostering innovations

The exchange of ideas across diverse backgrounds fosters an environment of innovation, leading to positive change. This collaborative atmosphere actively encourages individuals to explore new approaches, driving progress.

TEDxPCTE Ludhiana

Theme: Beyond & Above 2.0

Mark your calendars for April 6th, 2024.

  • Transcend Limitations.
  • Embrace the Untrodden Path.
  • Ignite Your Spark.

TEDxPCTE Baddowal 2022

Theme: Beyond & Above 1.0 Speakers

Held on 14 September 2022

Diverse speakers, Diverse topics

  •  From engineering inner transformation to mastering digital marketing, building dream careers to empowering rural women, the event showcased a wide range of expertise and experiences.
  • Youth empowerment: Speakers like Avirat Jain (wunderkind) and Manya Pathak (actress) served as an inspiring examples for young individuals, demonstrating the power of passion and pursuing dreams.